Think It’s Too Late to Start a New Journey? Think Again.

I will be the first to admit, becoming a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and launch my own company, Carroll Fitness LLC, was not as easy as 1-2-3. After a nearly 20-year career in Marketing, I took the leap and decided to pursue a career in my lifelong passion: fitness. 

I went back and forth on the idea for well over a year. I knew I was ready for a career change, but I was not sure exactly what. While I loved my career in Marketing, I felt burnt out and ready for a change. Many times throughout my career, I dreamt of pursuing a career as a Personal Trainer, but I would constantly second-guess myself. Would I be any good at it? Was I too old to start a new career in my 40’s? Did I have the skill sets to launch a brand new business from scratch?

After analyzing the pros and cons of my options, I left my marketing job, and enrolled with NASM. After many months of studying, I took the exam in March 2023 and passed. Shortly after, I launched my company Carroll Fitness LLC. 

Even though I’m no longer in Marketing, I still have a strong passion for writing, thus why I have this blog! I am excited to share tips on an array of topics, such as training concepts and techniques, strategies to meet fitness goals, nutrition, and much more. 

I tell this story about my path to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer because I can relate if you are contemplating a change in your health/wellness but are not sure where to start. If you’re looking to attain a goal, whether it’s training for a specific sporting event, losing weight, gaining muscle, or something else, let’s chat! I would love the opportunity to work with you and help you achieve your goals. Remember, it’s never too late to make a change! 


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