Personal Training by Liz Carroll

Making YOUR fitness a priority…one client at a time.

I get it. Being consistent with your workouts while balancing work obligations, family demands, social engagements, kids’ sports…I could go on and on…. is a challenge. However in order for you to be the best self for your loved ones, you need to make YOUR health and wellness a priority. Whether you are new to fitness, rebounding from an injury, or are an avid workout enthusiast, I am excited to work with you to meet your fitness, health, and wellness goals. My mission is to create integrated, personalized, and fun fitness plans that fit into your hectic lifestyle and routine. Working together, I am excited to guide you on a fitness journey that focuses on:

  • Balance. I will develop custom workouts that incorporate fundamentals such as resistance training, stabilization, power movements, agility, and cardio.

  • Commitment. I vow to give you my all in supporting your fitness goals, however, in order for change to happen, it’s up to YOU to put the work in.

  • Lifestyle. Why do overly-strict diets and “all out” workouts 7-days a week never stick? They aren’t sustainable. I will help you set and attain realistic and measurable fitness goals that can be achieved by properly fueling your body and following a progressive and consistent workout routine.

  • Fun! While my workouts will be challenging, they shouldn’t feel like “work.” I will incorporate exercises and activities you enjoy.

About Liz Carroll

It’s never too late to chase your dreams. After nearly 20 years in healthcare information technology marketing, I decided to pursue my lifelong passion in fitness. I am a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). From my early days on the Little League baseball field to a varsity athlete in high school, sports and fitness have always been the core of who I am and what I love.

In 2017 I tore my ACL skiing. It was a life-changing moment that provided me a whole new perspective on making my health and fitness a priority. I have been extremely fortune to work with amazing physical therapists, personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and fitness instructors who helped me find a newfound commitment to my health and fitness. I vow to leverage my personal experiences, education, and knowledge to help my clients meet their own health and fitness goals.


  • Adult Personal Training

    Our training sessions are scheduled at a time/location that are most convenient for you! I will create personalized programs to help you reach your specific fitness goals, and will provide customized workouts for you to do on your own. In addition, I will regularly check in with you to help you stay the course with your fitness routine.

  • Youth Personal & Group Training

    Do you have a Middle/High School athlete that wants to: Prepare for an upcoming sports season? Improve speed, agility, and strength for their next tryout? Learn how to use proper technique when working out?

    Carroll Fitness is offering private and group training for youth athletes!

  • Nutrition Coaching

    I am a certified Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

    I want to help clients build positive relationships with food, provide general recommendations for food intake to meet fitness goals, and help clients achieve an 80/20 balance of nutrient-dense and “fun” foods.

Helping clients achieve their fitness goals is my top priority. I can’t wait for the opportunity to work with you!

Ready to make YOUR fitness a priority? Let’s chat!

Feel free to reach out to me via the Contact Form or email me at Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Facebook and check out my blog!